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Frequently Asked Questions

What You Need to Know

As a company that makes sure our clients are their top priority, Milk's Up believes that no question should go unanswered. Check out our list of frequently asked questions to get the answers you need. If you still need to learn more, feel free to get in touch with us and we’ll be sure to help you out.

What are your opening hours?

The milk vending machine on our farm is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If it is your first time visiting we recommend coming between 8am and 5pm in case you have any problems but there are instructions on each machine.

How do we sterilise the bottles?

We recommend rinsing with cold water once the bottle is empty and then putting it in the dishwasher or washing with hot soapy water!

Are bottles provided?

We hope that you will buy a reusable glass bottle from our vending machine to help us to reduce plastic waste and be as environmentally friendly as possible.

How long does it take for the milk to go from the cows to the vending machine?

With shop brought milk, the milk is stored on farm for up to 2 days before it is picked up and taken to a processing plant (ours travels near to London to be processed). Here it can be stored for up to four days whilst the milk is pasteurised (heated to kill off harmful bacteria), standardised (removal of the butterfat) and homogenised (to stop the cream from rising to the top). It is then packed and distributed all over the country. However, with our milk, we can guarantee that it will never be more than 2 days old before it hits your fridge as we have a constant supply!

Do you ensure animal welfare on your farm?

Here at Milk’s Up, we keep our dairy cows healthy, properly fed and well looked after at all times. We believe that healthy cows are happy cows and that happy cows produce high quality, and greater quantities of milk. We are also inspected by Red Tractor, our milk buyer, Arla, and our organic certification board, Soil Association, which ensures that we are meeting their standards.

Is organic produce more expensive than regular produce?

Organic produce is more expensive because it costs the farmer more to produce it. Not only does it take two years to convert conventional farms to organic farms, but organic feed is more expensive, and the volume of milk organic cows produce is lower.

What’s the difference between organic farming and non-organic farming?

There are many differences between organic and regular farming. One of the main differences is that organic farming prohibits the use of fertiliser, pesticides and insecticides. This means that you may see a few extra weeds around! We only use antibiotics when absolutely necessary and prescribed by a vet. Organic farming also has longer antibiotic withdrawals than conventional milk and meat. This means that if an animal becomes ill and must have antibiotics, its milk/meat is kept out of the food supply chain for double the amount of time compared to a conventional animal. For this reason we prefer to treat our animals homoeopathically.

Are there antibiotics in your milk?

No, our milk does not contain antibiotics. If a cow gets ill, it may require antibiotics however this cow’s milk would be discarded and not included in the milk that enters the dairy.

Does organic milk taste different/better?

The taste of milk, whether organic or regular, can vary from bottle to bottle and season to season. Just a few things taste can be affected by include the breed of the cow, what’s in the cows’ feed, the time of year and the farm location.

Here at Milk’s Up, we carefully select our cows and let livestock graze in rich pastures, ensuring to produce the finest milk.

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